Petitions to Region 5 Championships will only be accepted for Level 8-10 athletes.
Please review pages 81 and 84-86 of the National R&P for all relevant information.
Page 86-87 of the National Rules and Policies
1) Coaches must notify their SACC, RACC and their RTCC by email NO LATER THAN THE MONDAY before 5:00 PM FOLLOWING THE STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS of any athletes they intend to petition to Regionals.
2) The complete Injury/Illness petition form - The request in writing from the coach and official results are due the Monday following the State Championships by 5:00pm local time. All other required documents (physician’s note) are due the Wednesday following the State Championships by 5:00pm local time. Chapter 8 – DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW New material is highlighted 87
3) The Entry form and fees must be sent directly to the Meet Director, specifically marked as “Petition pending”. If the petition is denied, the RTCC will contact the Meet Director, who will refund the entry fee.
4) If the gymnast was injured at the State Championships, the entry form and fees should be given to the USA Gymnastics officer who is designated to collect Regional entries at the State Championships. (Fees will be returned within three weeks if the petition is not accepted.)
5) The petitioner will be notified of the approval or denial of the petition by the RTCC a minimum of one week prior to the Regional meet.
6) The RTCC will notify the Meet Director of the approval or denial of the petition.
7) If a petition is accepted, but the gymnast is unable to compete, the coach must IMMEDIATELY notify both the Meet Director and the respective RTCC.
All petitions will need to email to